
Gaya's techtips
1 min readOct 14, 2022


This is programming language that is on of the basic technology of www. Previously javascript is used for client side of web applications.

ECMA Script

This is not a programming language. This is scripting language standard. ECMA is European computer manufacturer’s Association. ECMA Script describes how scripting language need to be implemented. Javascript is a implementation of ECMA Standards. Thats why someone told Javascript as ECMAScript.


Tyescript is a synthetic superset of Javascript which adds static typing. It’s first developed by microsoft in 2012. It adds Typesafety for Javascript code.


It is a method that programming language controls allocating data to variable. Then variables can access single type size section in memory

Node Js

Free Open Source cross Platform Node js is a Javascript runtime built using chrome’s V8 Engine. Node js can use both client and server side programming also. Primarily developed for develop both backend and frontend

V8 Engine

every web browser has its own javascript engine.

  • Chrome — V8
  • Firefox — Spidermonkey
  • Internet Explorer — Chakta

V8 is used as core of node js. Thats why V8 is important. V8 developed using c++.

