Create Apps using frameworks and native languages

Gaya's techtips
2 min readMay 17, 2022

We know that there are unique languages to create applications to different platforms.

  • Windows : c,c#
  • Linux : c , Python
  • Ios : Swift , Objective C
  • Android : Java, Kotlin

And also there are different kinds of frameworks to create applications as hybrid or native.

  • Android : React Native, Flutter, Kivi,Xamarin,Nativebase
  • Ios : React Native, Flutter, Native base
  • Windows : electron js,Flutter
  • Linux : electron js

Lets talk about my experiences while using these languages and frameworks.


Main thing is speed. I experienced that nativr apps created with native languages are faster than native apps that are created using frameworks. I think that too many unwanted things are added to applications from those frameworks.other hand i experienced that native languages are slower when developing applications than frameworks. Because I saw that too many frameworks are created to be more productive than native languages.So when I think about speed I think that native languages are more user friendly than frameworks. But frameworks are more developer friendly than native languages

Application Size

Another thing is application size is greater when creating with frameworks than using native languages.i experienced that flutter application takes 15MB space while java app taking 2 MB in android app.

But I experienced that frameworks are easier to use than native languages because too many frameworks come with their own documentations. But native languages have no good documentation. And too many frameworks support libraries. So that libraries are very useful while creating good applications.

On the other hand, you can develop your skill using a single language to create applications to too many platforms. For example if you know Dart language well then you can create apps for windows android and ios also. If you know javascript well you can develop apps for android and ios using react native and windows and linux using electron js. So this is a good opportunity to create apps for all platforms using a single language.

So my opinion is if you want to develop apps fastly using common features you can use frameworks. If you want to create apps using native uncommon features and your app wants to be fast and simple.then you need to select native languages.

